Biblical Teaching
Items in this category are examples of Bible teaching. Lessons learned from the Word. These may not be books written to be a Bible Study, but the information delivered is definitely good for Biblical teaching.
The Richest Man Who Ever Lived – King Solomon
This is a book review of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived – King Solomon’s Secrets to Success, Wealth and Happiness by Steven K. Scott. (The book is on the wisdom gleaned to us by King Solomon himself from the book of Proverbs.) This book, published in 2006, sat on my bookshelf for several years going unread. I don’t recall when I bought it, or why? It may have been promoted at some church event or I may have just seen it in a bookstore, but I bought it and then filed it away on the shelf. Last summer I was facilitating a study with family and friends on the…
I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist – Do You?
I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be a Atheist This post is going to be a review of the book by Dr. Norman L. Geisler and Dr. Frank Turek. It will also be a blog about Apologetics. I was introduced to Apologetics and to this book a number of years ago when my husband and I took a class on Apologetics at the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, Texas. This was a semester long class and we were not taking it for credit but for our own knowledge, with no college credit expected. The word ‘Apologetics’ immediately causes one to think that a Christian is ‘apologizing’ for their beliefs just based on the sound…
A Lesson from Ecclesiastes 9 and 10 – Prairie Chickens!
A Lesson from Ecclesiastes 9 and 10 Yesterday Dr. Ed Young, presented a sermon on Ecclesiastes 9 and 10. We have been studying Ecclesiastes for a few weeks now, and I have to say it is a difficult book to study! Solomon must have been going through severe depression most of the time he was writing this book. Dr. Young, however, in his amazing ways to get our attention, likened man’s behavior (that’s men and women) at times to Prairie Chickens!
My Favorite Daily Devotional – Experiencing GOD Day-by-Day
Experiencing God – Day-by-Day by Henry Blackaby and Richard T. Blackaby Over the last fifteen years I have used a number of Daily Devotionals to help me get in to my quiet time with the Lord. I have to say that there are many good ones, but to-date this has been my favorite I first had the small leather bound copy shown on the left. This size is great because it can be easily carried in your purse or laptop bag. It doesn’t take up much space . It has a soft leather touch and feels so good to hold in the palm of your hand. It is literally gives you…
Biblical Teaching with Crosswords and Puzzles
How do you study? What are the best methods? How do you study the Word? I have studied using many different methods. Some of them are: Reading Classroom Audios Videos Outlining Note taking Memorizing Some work better for some than others. One way I have realized that I learn well is from working Crossword Puzzles and Games.
STAND by Marian Jordan Ellis
A Very Timely book This book is so timely for me and my family. I am sure it is for many of you as well. As believers we are required to STAND on almost a daily basis these days. In the last twelve years since we joined our church and began stepping out to Serve, Teach and Lead and be involved in various ministries in the church, we have felt and seen the attacks of the enemy, both personally and upon our children, our grandchildren and our friends, coworkers, and other members of our congregation. We started our business using the phrase ‘STANDING FIRM’ in the name for the same reason Author…