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STAND by Marian Jordan Ellis

A Very Timely book

This book is so timely for me and my family.   I am sure it is for many of you as well.   As believers we are required to STAND on almost a daily basis these days.  In the last twelve years since we joined our church and began stepping out to Serve, Teach and Lead and be involved in various ministries in the church, we have felt and seen the attacks of the enemy, both personally and upon our children, our grandchildren and our friends, coworkers, and other members of our congregation.

We started our business using the phrase ‘STANDING FIRM’ in the name for the same reason Author Marian Jordan Ellis entitled this book ‘STAND‘.  We are committed to STAND FIRM in our faith regardless of what trials and persecution come our way.

Below I will share with you the following review of Marian Jordan Ellis’ book STAND.

The Introduction – Jesus Wins

Marian begins with the introduction Jesus Wins: ‘Stand firm, and you will win life.’  Luke 21:19  Why Stand?  Because Jesus said to. Marian says ‘Standing means watching with eyes of faith until we see the victory.  When we heed the call to stand, Jesus gives us a powerful promise: “You will win life” (Luke 21:19).

Throughout scripture, the word STAND is repeated over and over to the people of faith.  In Exodus 14:13 Moses answered the people ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring to you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.’

In 2 Chronicles 20:17 God told King Jehoshaphat: “You will not have to fight this battle.  Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”

Marian tells us: To STAND means to remain faithful, endure until the end, hold fast, and persevere when hope wanes and evil confronts.  This call is for us to fix our eyes on Jesus and believe that He will accomplish what He’s promised.  STAND is the resolve to believe God even when fear or other feelings suggest otherwise.

This is just a wee bit of the Truth Marian shares with us in just the Introduction of this book.

The Divisions of the STAND

Marian divides this book into four sections which empowers us to STAND FIRM in different seasons and equips us with truth to overcome:

Part 1: The Posture of Faith.  In these chapters we journey back to Exodus and learn from Moses how to STAND and see God’s deliverance in the midst of our biggest faith-testing moments.

Part 2: The Planted Feet.  In these chapters, we dive into God’s Word and learn how to STAND firmly on the Solid Rock (Jesus Christ) and realize the blessing of building our lives upon His truth.  We learn how to hold our ground against spiritual warfare, persecution, and temptation, knowing that we are beloved as children of God.

Part 3: The Position of Victory.   The call to STAND against the forces of darkness is repeated throughout the New Testament.  In these chapters, Marian reminds us of our instructions from the apostle Paul in Ephesians about how to take up the full armor of God and STAND in the victory that is ours in Jesus Christ!  (Amen!)

Part 4: The Promise to Overcomers.  Throughout God’s Word, those who STAND FIRM until the end are called overcomers.  In this final section we learn how to rise up against persecution and discover the rewards awaiting those who overcome.

Each section of the book equips us for the next section.  Without a firm faith and solid understanding of the gospel, we aren’t equipped to resist the Enemy in times of spiritual warfare and persecution.

The Breakdown of the Divisions

I am going to tell you the titles of the sections in each division but I will not go into the details.  I don’t want to tell you the details of Marian’s message (which is also God’s message through her) because I hope you will purchase her book and read it all on your own.  I cannot tell you how much you will be blessed by reading the book.   You will want to have the book in your hands and highlight it and refer back to it when you realize you are going through some of these times.

STAND:The Posture of Faith
  • Chapter 1: Stand and See
  • Chapter 2: Stand in Awe
  • Chapter 3: He’s Got This
STAND: The Planted Feet
  • Chapter 4: On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
  • Chapter 5: All Other Ground is Sinking Sand
STAND: The Position of Victory
  • Chapter 6: Stand Firm against the Waves
  • Chapter 7: Equipped for Victory
  • Chapter 8: Resist Him!
STAND: The Promise to Overcomers
  • Chapter 9: Stand When the World Hates You
  • Chapter 10: Win Life!

You can probably tell just by reading the titles of these chapters, that the subject matter is going to be deep.  It is soooo good.

At the end of the book, Marian also includes Questions for Reflection related to each chapter.

Our Women’s Ministry in our Bible Study class has been studying one chapter per month during this year.   We are on Chapter 8 and everyone is getting so much from it.  I have completed the book as I couldn’t put it down when I started reading it.

Personal Testimony

I mentioned at the start of this review that my family has personally struggled with trials and spiritual warfare in the last several years.  This book touched home and it brought tears to my eyes as I read through Marian’s struggles and the realization that came to her as she ‘saw’ what was happening and got her bearings again and continued to STAND and SEE what God would do.

He is there for us folks.  He loves us.  He wants us to love HIM as HE loves us.  He tells us all we need to know in HIS WORD!

It is important that we heed HIS instructions and not just read HIS WORD but that we meditate on it day and night, that we share it with our children, and our families.

I pray you will read this book.  You will be so blessed and believe me.   Marian writes just as if she is sitting there with you talking. and before you realize it you will be half through the book.

My rating on this book is obviously a big 5 out of 5! Feel free to leave a comment below regarding this post.  Also if you do purchase the book, please come back and post your comments on this page.  If you have already ready the book please do post your comments as well.

Click here to go to our Christian Books by Author page if you would like to Purchase now.

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