Our Story
First of all, we are Christians and we desire to glorify God in all that we do.
Colossians 3:23-24 (NASB) says “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.”
Our children and several friends told us many years ago, when we were discussing some things we had learned in our walk and in a particular Bible Study, that we should start a Blog and share what we have learned with others. We thought, wow, could we do that? It has been on our hearts for many years. In the interim, we have continued to study the Word, taught and facilitated many Bible Studies and shared with others as leaders, teachers and friends. This site is the fruition of those discussions from several years ago and since. This is our ministry.
We pray that through this website we will help others to know the Lord and His Word better and become a place you desire to come to for learning and sharing and perhaps occasionally purchasing Christian products via our website.
Standing Firm Products is a Christian website and we as Christians and as a company are interested in you. We review and promote Christian Books, Movies, Bible Studies, Christian gifts, and more! We blog about the Word, Christian products, Bible Studies, our Faith and more.
Standing Firm Products will also always give you our honest opinion about any items reviewed and any questions you ask. We may not have an answer when you ask us a question, but we will seek to find the answer and share it with you.
We, as Christians and as a company are interested in you!
Our Goal
It is our desire to help you by locating the ‘best of the best’ in a variety of categories and relaying to you what those products are and why we feel they are the best. We are hard working, Christian folks, with integrity who desire to build a trust relationship with you. We are STANDING FIRM on our beliefs and our Faith and Integrity will show through in our website and the way we do business, in our reviews, our blogs, etc. As previously mentioned, it is our desire to Glorify God in all that we do.
Recommending the Best
Products which are reviewed on our site will always be the best in their category based on the reviews we have found and on our own personal experience in many cases. We review a variety of Christian products and the list will grow over time. We welcome input from you.
Our Experience
We have many years of experience in a variety of industries and in purchasing products both for our personal use, for our employers and our own businesses. We know how important it is to get the ‘best bang for your buck’ in this economy today.
We have a sister company that reviews and promotes other non-Christian products called Best Proven Products (https://bestprovenproducts.com). Our philosophy is the same in that business/website as it is in this one.
More about our site
But wait! As previously mentioned, our site is more than just a product review site. We blog about new Christian Movies, Christian books, Bible studies, etc. which we have found and the latest news in the Christian arena and various relevant Christian topics. We welcome your feedback and input to our blogs. We also have a Daily Devotional and offer a Bible Passage Look up tool and Prayer Requests. We can be found on Facebook as well, where we also have a Prayer Group. Prayer Requests are confidential and will always be prayed over.
We provide links to products of reputable vendors who we are affiliated with where you may purchase many of the products after reading our reviews. Purchasing products through our vendors supports our website. We are affiliates and partners with a number of companies.