A Lesson from Ecclesiastes 9 and 10 – Prairie Chickens!
A Lesson from Ecclesiastes 9 and 10 Yesterday Dr. Ed Young, presented a sermon on Ecclesiastes 9 and 10. We have been studying Ecclesiastes for a few weeks now, and I have to say it is a difficult book to study! Solomon must have been going through severe depression most of the time he was writing this book. Dr. Young, however, in his amazing ways to get our attention, likened man’s behavior (that’s men and women) at times to Prairie Chickens!
My Favorite Daily Devotional – Experiencing GOD Day-by-Day
Experiencing God – Day-by-Day by Henry Blackaby and Richard T. Blackaby Over the last fifteen years I have used a number of Daily Devotionals to help me get in to my quiet time with the Lord. I have to say that there are many good ones, but to-date this has been my favorite I first had the small leather bound copy shown on the left. This size is great because it can be easily carried in your purse or laptop bag. It doesn’t take up much space . It has a soft leather touch and feels so good to hold in the palm of your hand. It is literally gives you…